Sunday, June 21, 2009

Better late than never....

Ok, so this is a little late, but...I had a blast driving down to my friend's wedding reception! I got a day off from the kids and playing mom, and see a good friend, it was awesome! Thankfully I found someone to ride with me, so she saved me lots of money from renting a car, and my newlywed friend let us stay in her apartment, since she wasn't going to be there!

It was a blast and she was beautiful!!

This dress was quite amazing! The red sash things was removable, so she could wear her white dress in the temple, and the red sash at her reception! What a grand idea!

Also at her reception, she had fish on the tables! I never would've come up with something like that! It was pretty neat though!

And of course, a very BIG special thanks to my husband for taking care of all the kids while I was gone and for letting me go!! I LOVE YOU!!!

1 comment:

JRome said...

Was the fish the appetizer?